2023 Bartram Trail Conference Biannual Meeting
Athens, GA Athens, GA, United StatesBiannual meeting, scholarly presentations and field trips. https://bartramtrailconference.wildapricot.org/2022-Conference
Biannual meeting, scholarly presentations and field trips. https://bartramtrailconference.wildapricot.org/2022-Conference
Beck Automotive Conference Room
Sam Carr update BTSF trail designation in Alachua County
Sam Carr explains Bartram's contribution to our constitution.
Living history and field trip featuring several Bartram sites hosted by Sam Carr and Billy Bartram.
Living history presentation by Billy Bartram and Sam Carr gives Alachua County trail update
Keynote presentation and living history by Billy Bartram and trail update from Sam Carr at this centennial anniversary meeting
250th Anniversary Bartram Trail in Nassau County Celebration and Paddle during Nassau County’s Bicentennial Event. The Celebration will take place at the Bartram site named after Billy’s host and guide