Support & Join
Why Support the Bartram Trail Society of Florida?

You Believe in our Mission
We need your help to accomplish our mission of sharing Bartram’s example and wisdom. Help preserve the cultural, natural, and poetic history of Florida embodied by Bartram’s art and travels.

Culture Must Be Supported by Community
Ecotourism and historic and cultural preservation require support from the community. The Bartram Trail Society of Florida is a grassroots organization sustained by grants, government support, membership dues and private charitable giving.

You Have Seen Our Impact
What started in 2012 as the dream of a small group of people in Palatka has spread across Florida and connected us with the Bartram community in the U.S. Piecing together grants and donations across the past decade, the Bartram Trail Society has:
- Brought the national Bartram conference to Putnam County one year
- Presented about Bartram’s legacy in Florida at the Bartram Conference multiple years
- Sam Carr, chair of the Bartram Society of Florida, served as President the national Bartram Trail Conference from 2018-2022
- Created an annual event, the Bartram Frolic, which has drawn tourists to the small town of Palatka for 8 years as of 2022
- Partnered with educators to present Bartram’s story to children
- Developed a recognized identity and created videos, brochures, and interpretation on location to guide travelers along this cultural and historic trail
- Conducted tours on the Bartram Trail
- Created a National Recreational Trail in Putnam County
- Reached out to counties where Bartram visited to educate and start the process toward acknowledgement of all Bartram sites in Florida, and connecting them
- Partnered with byways to cross-promote, including River of Lakes Heritage Corridor in Volusia County and Stetson University in Volusia County
- Designed and maintained the award-winning Bartram Trail in Putnam County
- Provided Society representation at numerous historical, environmental, and cultural events throughout NE Florida

The Bartram Trail Creates a Better Place to Live
The Bartram Trail, like scenic byways and trails, inevitably develops a sense of identity and pride for the communities it touches. Many in Palatka will point to the Bartram Trail and the Bartram Frolic as something they want to share with visitor and friends. The trail helps raise awareness of the precious natural and culture resources in our own backyard.

We Impact Children’s Understanding of the World
The Bartram Trail often partners with educational organizations. The Putnam County School System, for instance assists with staffing, transportation, and videography annually at the Bartram Frolic. The Bartram Trail Society in conjunction with the St. Johns River Water Management District the St. Johns RiverKeeper, and other governmental and civic group conducts tours on the St. Johns River, which have often provided the first opportunity for children from local communities to go out on the St. Johns River. At the Bartram Frolic, there are always historic re-enactors who play Bartram, Job Wiggins, The Long Warrior, and others in the colorful cast of characters from Bartram’s iconic book, Travels.
Children glow and come alive in the presence of this live history. Learning about Bartram can lead in so many directions, as he was a brilliant artist, poet, naturalist, who saw God everywhere in nature.

BTSF is a Nonprofit Organization
Gifts to the Bartram Trail Society of Florida are tax deductible. As a 501C3 nonprofit organization, any profits received must go back into the organization to further its mission. Contributions made to the Society and membership dues are used to develop the Bartram Trail in Florida, create signage, interpretive kiosks, historical markers, updates to the website, and support other activities of the Society including the annual Bartram Frolic and the Society’s participation in other cultural and historical events. We must be profitable to be sustainable, to grow, and to continuously improve.

Bartram Trail Society of Florida is a 501C3 charitable organization that works to encourage the study, preservation and interpretation of the William Bartram heritage, and to coordinate statewide efforts in Florida towards these ends. Generous members & donors are critical to fulfilling our mission.
Bartram Trail Society of Florida is committed to:
- Historic & environmental education
- Preservation of historic & environmental resources
- Promoting & developing recreational trails (paddling, hiking, & biking)
- Developing & promoting activities along the routes taken by the Bartrams throughout Florida
Become a Member
Bartram Trail Society of Florida is a 501c3 charitable organization that works to encourage the study, preservation and interpretation of the William Bartram heritage, and to coordinate statewide efforts in Florida towards these ends. Generous members & donors are critical to fulfilling our mission.
Bartram Trail Society of Florida is committed to:
- Historic & environmental education
- Preservation of historic & environmental resources
- Promoting & developing recreational trails (paddling, hiking, & biking)
- Developing & promoting activities along the routes taken by the Bartrams throughout Florida
About Joining the Bartram Trail Society of Florida
Membership benefits are currently being evaluated and updated. Becoming a member now will allow you to vote in any of our meetings. Members will also be invited to attend special members-only events. We are developing a quarterly newsletter, a members-only resource library, and discounts at supporting businesses along the Bartram Trail and in the BTSF store (coming soon online.)
Online Membership Payment
If you join BTSF online with credit card or PayPal, your membership will auto-renew each year. Two weeks before your subscription renews, you will get an email that asks if you want to continue or discontinue your membership, so there will be no surprises. By providing your information in the membership form, you agree for BTSF to contact you with regards to your membership. We will not use your information for other purposes without your permission.
To Join BTSF By Snail-Mail
Checks should made out to “Bartram Trail Society of Florida”, and be mailed with membership application (downloadable PDF form) to:
Bartram Trail Society of Florida
P. O. BOX 1251
Palatka, FL 32178
Terms of Membership
Membership in the Society is open to all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, age, national origin, sex or sexual orientation, who express their interest in the mission and purpose of the Society and who act to uphold the mission and purpose of the Society.
Members pay dues, the amount of which is set annually by the Society Board of Directors at the annual business meeting and may be established at varying levels depending on the type of membership. Only those members whose dues are currently paid shall be entitled to the benefits of membership.
Each member in good standing has one vote which can be cast at any business meeting of the Society. If a partnership or corporation is a member, the entity has only one vote. A simple majority of those members present decides issues unless specified otherwise.
Any member whose dues remain unpaid for a period of one month after they have become due may be dropped from the membership roll. A membership may be terminated by the Board of Directors in accordance with the procedures set forth in §617.0607 Fla. Stat. (2011)
Officer Duties
The officers of the Board of Directors consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Duties of President
The President shall preside at meetings of the members and the Board of Directors; shall appoint appropriate committees to assist with the Society’s business as required; shall appoint a Board representative for each committee; shall insure that the committees’ function effectively; and shall perform such other duties as are incidental to the office.
Duties of Vice President
The Vice President shall serve in the place of the President if for some reason the President cannot perform his/ her duties.
Duties of Secretary
The Secretary shall keep minutes of all the meetings of the Board of Directors and shall have other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Directors.
Duties of Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for overseeing the financial functions of the Society; shall keep or direct the maintenance of the corporation book and other financial records of the Society ; shall file the appropriate tax forms each year; shall Chair the finance committee; and shall submit the proposed annual budget for the Board’s consideration. Annual financial reports are required to be submitted to the Board showing income, expenditures, and pending income. The financial records of the organization are public information and shall be made available to the membership, board members, and the public.
Only members of the Board of Directors are qualified to become officers within the Society. The Directors of the Society elect Officers at the first board meeting following the election of Directors at the annual membership meeting. Officers are elected for a one-year term and there are no term limits.
Board of Directors Meeting
These will be held a minimum of quarterly for all Board Members and will be chaired by the Society’s President. The Society President Board of Directors may elect to schedule meetings on a regular basis. The President or a majority of Board Members may elect to call a special meeting. In order to conduct business, a quorum is necessary and consists of a majority of the Board of Directors actively serving in their positions.
Annual Membership Meeting
This meeting shall be held in April. This meeting will include election of Directors, approval of the annual budget, business to be covered with the membership, collection of dues, and any business to be covered with the membership including any amendment to these Bylaws.
Special Meetings.
The Society President may call a special meeting for the Board at any time with 3 days’ notice.
The conduct of a meeting shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, most recent revision, unless other procedures or rules are accepted by a majority present and voting at the meeting. Each member shall be entitled to one vote. All questions shall be decided by a majority vote. Prior to voting on important matters, an attempt will be made to reach a consensus.
Bartram Frolic Sponsorship
Sponsors are vital to the success of the Bartram Frolic. Our sponsorships not only provide sponsors with the opportunity to market their organization to annual Frolic attendees. There are many local school field trips during Frolic week.
To become a Bartram Frolic sponsor or for more information, please contact The Bartram Trail Society (