About the Bartram Frolic

SAVE THE DATES for the 2025 Frolic on the Riverfront!

Join us as we celebrate our St. Johns River and the 250th anniversary of William Bartram’s 1774 travels through Palatka. April 11, 12 & 13.


About Our Bartram Heritage

In the fall of 1774 William Bartram experienced what is known as the Indian Frolic at Spalding’s Lower Store. His 9-month stay on his favorite river in Putnam County is documented in Bartram’s masterpiece TRAVELS. The annual St. Johns River Bartram Frolic on Palatka’s riverfront will celebrate our National Heritage River, the Bartram National Recreation Trail in Putnam County, and offer our county as a historic eco-tourism and recreation destination.

Online Schedule Overview


Bartram Springs-to-Springs Kayaking Tour: 12:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Guided kayak tour following the route of the Bartram’s hike from Johnsons Spring to Johnsons Bluff on December 28, 1765 with stops at 4 Bartram sites.

Register Here

Palatka Trail Town & Bartram Frolic Welcome Bicycling Ride
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

A leisurely 6-mile bike ride departing from the Azalea City Brewery 5:00 PM and ending at the St. Johns River Center to meet the Trail Town Mayor and Bartram Reenactors.

Bartram Trail Cracker Horse Ride and Campout at Dunns Creek State Park |  8:00 AM Friday – 3:00 PM Sunday
Friends of Dunns Creek State Park will host equestrians for trail rides and camping in the park (Bartram site). Reservations are required and limited. See Friends of Dunns Creek State Park Facebook page: www.facebook.com/FriendsofDunnsCreek

VIP Frolic: 6:00 PM 9:00 PMInvitation-only event. 100 dignitaries, sponsors and Frolic participants will be invited to the St. Johns River Center for celebration and frivolity.


St. Johns River Bartram Frolic on the Riverfront
FREE ongoing events and features – 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM (
see flyer or the link to the left for more info.)

Pride of Palatka Guided River Boat Tours: Reservations for all cruises are required. You must click on “get tickets” on Eventbrite to see the options for ticket purchase.

  • 1:00 PM Cruise #1 St. Johns Riverkeeper Tour
  • 2:15 PM Cruise #2 History of Palatka, St. Johns River Heritage Tour
  • 3:30 PM Cruise #3 Bartram National Recreation Trail Tour
  • 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Bartram Sunset Wine Cruise hosted by Billy Bartram, the Long Warrior and Trader Job Wiggins

Register for Cruise 1 – St Johns Riverkeeper Cruise 

Register for Cruise 2- History of Palatka & St John River Cruise 

Register for Cruise 3 – Bartram National Trail Historic Cruise 

Register for Cruise 4 – Sunset Riverboat Wine & Appetizer Cruise 

Bartram Historic Rollestown Kayaking Tour: 8:30 AM – 11:00 PM: A guided 2-mile round-trip paddle from the East Palatka Pico Road Boat Ramp to the site of historic Rollestown. Call Lars Anderson at (386) 497-4214 for reservations.

Palatka Bartram Site Bicycling Tour:
10:00 AM – 11:30 PM:
A leisurely 5-mile bicycle tour of Bartram sites, historic neighborhoods and Palaka’s murals. The tour begins and ends at the Clock Tower at the Riverfront in Palatka.

Songs & Tales of the St. Johns River: 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM:
This will be a schedule of storytellers about Bartram’s Travels, our River and more. In the St. Johns River Center. No registration required.

Florida Trail Association guided hike – 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM
A 5-mile guided hike in Rice Creek Conservation area that explores the Florida National Scenic Trail and a Bartram site. Meet at the FTA Booth at the Palatka Riverfront at 4:00 to sign-in and prepare for departure to the trailhead.


Bartram Trail Guided Bus Tours: Palatka to Mount Royal
9:30 AM – 12:30 PM, and 1:30 – 4:30
A guided bus tour that includes 12 Bartram Sites – Puc-Puggy Playground, Palatka Waterworks, Riverfront Park, Rollestown, Dunns Creek, Satsuma Spring, Welaka, Beecher Springs Run, Mount Royal. Tour will depart and return from the St. Johns River Center.

A $25 donation to the BTSF is expected. Reservations are limited & required.

Palatka to Mount Royal 1: 9:30am -12:00pm

Palatka to Mount Royal 2: 1:30 – 4:00 pm

Mount Royal Paddle, Peregrination & Prayer:
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Guided historic paddle from Renegades on the River in Georgetown to the Mount Royal Boat Ramp (1 mile) followed by a hike to the top of Mount Royal (.6 mile) for a reading of Bartram’s prayer for the environment by a Quaker friend. Call Lars Anserson (386) 497-4214 for reservations.


Passport to the Past

Between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM on Saturday, April  12

The St. Johns River Center will host an educational adventure for families visiting ten educational stations and living historians to learn about our river’s nature, its history and our legacy. Those completing the activity will be rewarded.  This is great for the whole family. Register near the St. Johns River Center.

Passport to the Past is an educational adventure that’s fun for the entire family. Visit each of the ten stations from William Bartram’s travels to Putnam County in 1765 and 1774.

With each one you complete, you collect a new sticker or stamp to place in your official Passport to the Past booklet Those completing the activity will receive a prize.

Living History – Meet Billy Bartram, the Long Warrior: King of the Seminoles, Bartram’s guide and interpreter, Job Wiggens,  Fort Mose’s militia and families, and other 18th-century residents of Florida

Nature-based Vendors, demonstrations, and Environmental Groups  – 20 or more booths along the Riverfront and St. Johns Avenue.

Songs & Stories of Bartram and the St. Johns River

Tales of the St. Johns River 10:30 AM – 4:00 PM
This will be a schedule of storytellers and singers in the St. Johns River Center.
No registration is required.

Kathy K & David F,
Old Florida Stories
MarthaLynne Allen Dilello
Stories of Jane Colden, 18th Century female botanist & William Bartram’s contemporary
Storytelling Sims (Jane and Wayne Sims)
Margaret Kaylor (Jane and Wayne Sims)
Stories of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s time along the SJR
Tim Larson & Friends (Charlie Landrick/Eric Hoeffner)
“Stories of Early Florida”: The Eagle & the Cat; Dancing Cranes; Tater and Lear Poetry; The Disappearing Goat

Bicycle Tours

Palatka Trail Town and Bartram Frolic Welcome Bicycling Ride | 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Departing from the Azalea City Brewery 5:00PM and ending at the St. Johns River Center. This is an intermediate level ride. Please bring bike in good working order & helmet.
A leisurely 6-mile bicycle tour to Bartram sites at Ravine Gardens, the Bartram Mural, riverfront kiosk & bass sculpture, ending at the River Center to meet the Trail Town Mayor, Robbi Correa, and Bartram Reenactors.

Riders are invited to return to the brewery after this to continue the celebration.

No registration is needed for this event.

Palatka Bartram Site Bicycling Tour
10:00 AM – 11:30 PM

A leisurely 5-mile bicycle tour of Bartram sites, historic neighborhoods and Palaka’s murals. The tour begins and ends at the Clock Tower at the Riverfront in Palatka.

No registration is needed for this event.


Pride of Palatka Riverboat Tours

Pride of Palatka Guided River Boat Tours Saturday, April 12
Reservations for all cruises are required. You must click on “get tickets” on Eventbrite to see the options for ticket purchase.

  • 1:00 PM Cruise #1 St. Johns Riverkeeper Tour
  • 2:15 PM Cruise #2 History of Palatka, St. Johns River Heritage Tour
  • 3:30 PM Cruise #3 Bartram National Recreation Trail Tour
  • 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Bartram Sunset Wine Cruise hosted by Billy Bartram, the Long Warrior and Trader Job Wiggins

Register for Cruise 1 – St Johns Riverkeeper Cruise 

Register for Cruise 2- History of Palatka & St John River Cruise 

Register for Cruise 3 – Bartram National Trail Historic Cruise 

Register for Cruise 4 – Sunset Riverboat Wine & Appetizer Cruise 


Living History

Between 10:00 am – 4:00 pm on Friday, April  11

William Bartram (1735-1823)

Mike Adams as William Bartram.

William Bartram’s exploration of Florida is familiar to people throughout the world, thanks to the publication TRAVELS in 1791 – America’s first literary masterpiece. William Bartram (his friends and family called him Billy) came to Putnam County two times. The first time was with his father, John in 1765. The second time, in April 1774 was to explore and document what he found. Bartram’s discoveries and illustrations of nature documented tropical flora and fauna and his vivid descriptions made his book a worldwide sensation. His book has descriptions of his encounters with the native people. While in Florida, he drew over 50 illustrations of plants, animals, fish, turtles and birds. Locally we are largely unaware of the importance of his explorations and subsequent writings to literary history, environmental science and the settlement and later development of Florida. He and his cast of characters are uniquely ours – “They belong to Putnam County – it’s your history and heritage.”

The Long Warrior

Jim Sawgrass as “Micco-Chlucco The Long Warrior, King of the Seminoles”

The Long Warrior is representative of the Native Americans present in our area during the time of Bartram’s visits to Florida (1765-1774). The Long Warrior is spoken of several times in TRAVELS always with respect and in a positive light. Bartram first met the Long Warrior at the Treaty of Picollata in 1765 near St. Augustine. He is seen as a strong and intelligent leader. Billy’s illustration of Mico-Chlucco, The Long Warrior – “King of the Seminoles” was his only portrait. The Long Warrior will be one of the living history actors at the Frolic. He was a much-respected friend of William’s and was instrumental in enabling him to safely travel throughout Florida in 1774.

Job Wiggens

Robert Wilson, aka Job Wiggens – Bartram’s friend, guide and interpreter.

William Bartram was befriended by Job Wiggens on his travels in Florida. Bartram said “the old interpreter, Job Wiggens, often my travelling companion, friend and benefactor.”

Bartram resided at Spalding’s Lower Store which was Florida’s main trading post with the Indians (Native Americans). Wiggens was the main negotiator and interpreter for the Store and took Bartram along on his ventures across Florida. Bartram calls him “the old trader” and “the old interpreter”.

Guided Kayak Tours

Friday, April 11

Bartram Springs-to-Springs Kayaking Tour 12:30 PM – 4:00 PM.
Guided kayak tour following the route of the Bartram’s hike from Johnsons Spring to Johnsons Bluff on December 28, 1765 with stops at 3 Bartram sites.

Register Here

Saturday, April 12

Bartram Historic Rollestown Kayaking Tour – 8:30 AM – 11:00 PM: A guided 2-mile round-trip paddle from the East Palatka Pico Road Boat Ramp to the site of historic Rollestown.

This tour must be reserved through Lars Anderson at (386) 497-4214.

Sunday, April 13

Mount Royal Paddle, Peregrination & Prayer – 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM:
Guided historic paddle from Renegades on the River in Georgetown to the Mount Royal Boat Ramp (1 mile) followed by a hike to the top of Mount Royal (.6 mile) for a reading of Bartram’s prayer for the environment by a Quaker friend.

This tour must be reserved through Lars Anderson at (386) 497-4214.

Florida Trail Association Guided Hike

Rice Creek Hike – Saturday April 12, 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM

A 5-mile guided hike in Rice Creek Conservation area that explores the Florida National Scenic Trail and a Bartram site. Participants need transportation to the trailhead 15 minutes northwest from the Palatka Riverfront on Highway 100.

Join the Florida Trail Association (FTA) for a guided loop hike on the Florida National Scenic Trail. Here the Florida Trail traverses the former site of a 1700s rice plantation and passes an impressive shelter known as the Rice Creek Hilton. An 1,886 foot long boardwalk built by FTA volunteers transports hikers right into the wild heart of the swamp. Explore floodplain swamps, pine flatwoods and mixed upland forests lush with epiphytes and wildlife. We will also visit Bartram site 3b which marks the point where Bartram and his companions attempted to paddle Rice Creek but were forced to turn back by dense vegetation. Adding to the intrigue, the mythical Bardin Booger is said to have lurked amongst these ancient cypresses and thick palmettos.

This hike is just over 5 miles long and hikers should come prepared with at least 1 liter of water and supportive shoes with traction. Sun protection and comfortable clothing recommended. Bug spray will be provided on site. No bathroom facilities on site. Hikers should meet at the Rice Creek Conservation Area Trailhead on Highway 100 just north of Bardin Road.

Rice Creek Hike FTA Flyer



Bartram Trail Cracker Horse Ride & Campout at Dunns Creek State Park

Between 8:00 am Friday April 11 – 3:00 pm Sunday April 12

Bartram Trail Cracker Horse Ride & Campout at Dunns Creek State Park – 8:00 AM Friday – 3:00 PM Sunday: Friends of Dunns Creek State Park will host equestrians for trail rides and camping in the park (Bartram site). Reservations are required and limited.

See Friends of Dunns Creek State Park Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1027548165004924

Location Address:
Dunns Creek State Park,
320 Sisco Rd., Pomona Park, FL



Bartram Trail Guided Bus Tour

Sunday, April 13

Bartram Trail Guided Bus Tours – Palatka to Mount Royal
9:30 AM – 12 PM & 1:30-4 PM

A guided bus tour that includes 12 Bartram Sites – Puc-Puggy Playground, Palatka Waterworks, Riverfront Park, Rollestown, Dunns Creek, Satsuma Spring, Welaka, Beecher Springs Run, Mount Royal. Tour will depart and return from the St. Johns River Center.

A $25 donation to the BTSF is expected. Reservations are limited and required.

Register for Bus Tour 1 – Palatka to Mount Royal 1

Register for Bus Tour 2 – Palatka to Mount Royal 2

Food & Drink

Saturday, April 12

10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

There will be Food Trucks available along the St. John’s river front.

Bartram Symposium

The Frolic Symposium will be replaced this year with the Bartram Trail Conference which will be held in St. Augustine, August 1-3.

Visit the Bartram Trail Conference website for details about the program, schedule and registration.

We hope to see you there!

Local Lodging

Best Western Inn of Palatka                               
119 US Highway 17 S
East Palatka, FL 32131

Crystal Cove Riverfront Resort & Suites
133 Crystal Cove Riverfront Resort Dr
Palatka, FL 32177

Georgia Boys Fish Camp
217 Butler Drive
Satsuma, FL 32189

Grand Gables Inn Bed & Breakfast
603 Emmett Street
Palatka, FL 32177

Hampton Inn
100 Memorial Parkway
Palatka, FL 32177
Smita Patel, Manager

Holiday Inn Express Palatka Northwest
3813 Reid Street
Palatka, FL 32177

Quality Inn & Suites
201 N 1st Street
Palatka, FL 32177

Regency Inn
100 Federal Street
Palatka, FL 32177

Sleep Inn & Suites
3805 Reid Street
Palatka, FL 32177